Prof. Paul LAM Kwan-sing, SBS, JP
Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Hong Kong
14:00 - 14:30
Foyer, 3/F, Jockey Club Institute of Healthcare
14:30 - 15:00
Opening Ceremony
Jockey Club Grand Theatre, 2/F, Jockey Club Institute of Healthcare
Welcome Address
Prof. Paul LAM Kwan-sing, SBS, JP
Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Hong Kong
Opening Speech by Guest-of-Honour
15:00 - 16:00
Award Presentation of Gerontech Competition
Jockey Club Grand Theatre, 2/F, Jockey Club Institute of Healthcare
Award Presentation
Vote of Thanks
Prof. Janet WONG Yuen-ha
Dean and Professor, School of Nursing and Health Sciences
Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Hong Kong
16:00 - 17:00
Keynote Address I
Jockey Club Grand Theatre, 2/F, Jockey Club Institute of Healthcare
Chair: Prof. Gary TSE
Reimagining Life with Gerontechnology: Innovation, Practice and Progress